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The animals at Sherwood Farm have room to roam, good food, clean water, and compassionate care. This combination creates delicious eggs, healthy pigs and sweet honey from sweet little bees.

Loving hands diligently collect eggs each morning from Rhode Island Reds, Black Sex Links and Barred Rocks. These beauties are cage free and free ranging, since healthy hens like to soak up the sunshine, catch a breeze of fresh air, socialize, snuggle down in a shelter, and get a good night’s sleep without glaring lights.

We are pleased to offer our farm fresh eggs for sale all year ‘round.


Bees, plants and farmers are born to be friends.

Farmers can not underestimate the value of beautiful, spirited bees. We have several hives at Sherwood Farm that create not only our fresh vegetables, but our own wonderful honey.

We sell our honey, named Sal and Tom’s Easton Honey, in traditional jars and fun sticks, which are just right for that quick, healthy pick me up. You better come quick to get your fresh, local, raw honey because it sells out quick. 

A variety of food and specialty items can also be found at our farm stand. We offer hand made bread, fresh hand made mozzarella, and Fairfield’s award winning Holly Hannah’s Hot Sauce.

Next time you visit us, we encourage you to try a taste of something new. You won’\\'t be disappointed.